Commonly asked questions

Will I have the time to take on program? Claim busy schedule.

Part A

We understand how busy life can be which is why our program is designed to be flexible and adaptable to fit into your daily routine. Rather than visiting the clinic, you are able to have your dietitian sessions online via chatting, phone and video calls.

Part B

We tailor our program to align with your daily routine ensuring that you invest the similar amount of time as you would spend in your regular schedule. For example, our personalized meal plans are made up of familiar everyday foods you normally eat.

Our commitment to customer centricity drives us to create a personalized plan just for you thereby increasing your chances of achieving your goal.

Our goal is 1kg/ week weight loss and normal sugar levels by the 8th week of the program

Your dedicated dietitian will provide unwavering support to keep you motivated. Seek inspiration from the testimonies of our satisfied clients available on our YouTube channel.

You might be wondering, "Are personal dietitian services too expensive?" Well, think of it like this investing in your health today can save you money on future medical bills. For instance, making better dietary choices now might mean fewer doctor's visits or medication expenses down the road.

We have a wide range of packages that make our services easy on your wallet starting from Ugsh.200,000 for 8 weeks. Remember this is an investment in your long-term well-being as it pays off in more ways than one.

Enhance your journey with our comprehensive package featuring a customized meal plan tailored exclusively to your needs. Enjoy the flexibility of direct communication with our dedicated dietitians ensuring your receive guidance and answers to your queries whenever you require them. In addition, we provide you with accountability to keep you motivated and offer complementary support for both exercise plans and culinary sessions. We stay actively engaged with you throughout your journey and even after the program concludes, we continue to support you with a follow-up after 3-months after the program.

At the heart of our approach is your well-being and financial ease. To make our services convenient for you, we offer two flexible payment choices. First, there's the one-off payment which covers everything in one go leaving you with no worries about payments. Alternatively, you can opt for the 70% deposit to get started with the remaining 30% due at a later point. We are dedicated to making your health journey as accessible as possible.

You have some flexibility when it comes to payment. We usually kick things off with a 70% deposit for your package but if you prefer, you can also pay the entire plan all at once. For example, for an 8-week package costing Ugshs.200,000 you can clear the money at once or first clear Ugshs.140, 000 then pay the remaining 70,000 later on. We are here to make it convenient for you, so you can choose what suits your needs best.

The pace of your journey depends on your commitment to the program. Remember, it's not just about the speed but building healthier habits that last a lifetime. We aim for 1 kg/week for weight loss and normal sugar levels by week 8 for blood glucose. Your commitment to sharing progress on the app, adhering to the plan and our supportive guidance ensure that you see positive changes on your path to better health.

When it comes to clinical visits, you can catch us at City Center on Parliamentary Avenue and our main admin hub is right in Kireka. Remember we are a digital nutrition provider dedicated to making it easy for you through our virtual support that works like a charm for 80% of our clients. Our in-person meetings are an opportunity for special culinary sessions and in-depth behavior counseling.

We do support your healthy eating and while we don't provide food or shopping services directly, we do offer something special to individual who eat home cooked meals. Since most of individuals eat at least on home cooked meal, we do in-person meet-ups for unique culinary support sessions where you and your staff can get hands-on experience and insights. We also have a shop in our platform that guides you on what to shop for to meet your dietary goals.

It's all about empowering you to take control of your nutrition in a practical and sustainable way.

Our comprehensive package features a customized meal plan tailored exclusively to your needs. Enjoy the flexibility of direct communication with our dedicated dietitians ensuring your receive guidance and answers to your queries whenever you require them. In addition, we provide you with accountability to keep you motivated and offer complementary support for both exercise plans and culinary sessions. We stay actively engaged with you throughout your journey and even after the program concludes, we continue to support you with a follow-up after 3-months after the program.

Prior to receiving your personalized plan, your dietitian will conduct a call to gather essential information shaping your plan. Once the plan is delivered to you, your commitment is crucial. Endeavor to share your plates and your progress on the app. Should you encounter any challenges or have questions, its recommended to engage or seek guidance from your dietitian along the journey.